Ivory Tower

The Curious Cases of Professor Colmes as told by his loyal assistant William Hobson A.B.D.

Fiction - Anthology
410 Pages
Reviewed on 08/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Ivory Tower by Colin Heston is a clever homage to the Sherlock Holmes tradition, transplanting the classic detective duo into academia's quirky and insular world. The novel is structured as an anthology, with each story recounting a distinct mystery unraveled by the enigmatic Professor Thomas Colmes and his loyal assistant, William Hobson. The setting—a university’s labyrinthine halls, hidden away offices, and the peculiar characters who inhabit them—provides fertile ground for a series of intellectually engaging and often amusing cases.

Colin Heston's writing is rich in wit and insight, particularly his satirical portrayal of academic life. From the pompous professors to the bewildering bureaucracy, he pokes fun at the oddities and absurdities that can arise in such an environment. The characters, too, are a delight: Colmes is a brilliant yet inscrutable figure, reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes but with his unique quirks, while Hobson, the "ABD" (All But Dissertation) assistant, serves as the perfect foil—both admiring and baffled by his mentor’s genius. Each story in the anthology stands alone, yet they are woven together by the overarching mystery of Colmes’s past, which adds an intriguing layer of depth to the narrative. Heston’s ability to blend humor with genuine intellectual puzzles makes this book a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good mystery with a side of satire. While the book may particularly resonate with those familiar with academic life, its sharp humor and well-crafted mysteries will also appeal to a broader audience. Whether you’re an academic yourself or simply a fan of detective fiction, Ivory Tower is a thoroughly entertaining read that combines the best elements of both genres. This is a book that won't disappoint.