Jaimie's Magical Words

Children - Concept
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/20/2024
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Author Biography

Amarie Jelly brings over a decade of heartfelt dedication from the classroom into the literary world - blending her rich experiences as a teacher, a mother of three, and a devoted wife into her creative endeavors.

Known for her innovative teaching methods and her ability to connect deeply with her students, Amarie Jelly's life is a testament to her resilience, warmth, and boundless creativity. She is passionate about inspiring both in the classroom and at home and she is now poised to channel some of this energy into the world of writing.

As Amarie Jelly embarks on a new chapter as an author, her forthcoming works promise to be as multifaceted and inspiring as her life - aiming to touch the hearts and minds of readers across genres. As an author, she promises to offer a unique blend of insight, inspiration, and imagination.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Do you know what an affirmation is? Jaimie does – it’s her positive way of starting each day. In Amarie Jelly’s Jaimie’s Magical Words, young Jaimie starts her day with these affirmations: “I am smart, I am kind, and I am ready for a great day!” Now that’s positive thinking and it’s a great guiding light to help the young girl navigate her day, through confidence, kindness, and self-love. Things always go well during the day, but Jaimie has affirmations for the difficult times as well. She also embraces her family and friends with affirmations and takes pleasure in being fun and creative in all that she does. Now that’s positivity!

Amarie Jelly’s picture book, Jaimie’s Magical Words, is a powerful gem of a story to help young people believe in themselves and think positively about all that they do and all that they are. The story is told in simple language to help young readers improve their reading skills. The illustrations are bright, bold, and colorful and help move the story along. The plot follows young Jaimie as she goes through a day, from brushing her teeth to creating sand castles in her sandbox to helping set the table for dinner – all that Jaimie does is done with a smile and a positive affirmation. There is magic in her simple words, a magic that spells positivity and self-love. We can’t love others and move forward in our lives if we don’t think well of ourselves, if we don’t believe in ourselves, and Jaimie certainly believes in herself. What a great little girl! Loved the story.