
A New Life

Christian - Historical Fiction
270 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Jamestown: A New Life by Joyce Crawford is a Christian historical fiction novel that continues the saga of the Burton family in the Faith of Our Fathers series. The story follows Richard de Burton, who, tormented by his past failures and the loss of his beloved Elizabeth, leaves England in 1605 to start anew in Jamestown, Virginia. Upon arrival, Richard finds a harsh reality but also a chance to redefine his life. As he forms new friendships and spreads love among the settlers and Native Americans, Richard embarks on a journey of redemption, hope, and the search for a true home.

Author Joyce Crawford has a real knack for putting heartfelt personal stories amid accurate, atmospheric history, and her intricate portrayal of Richard’s internal struggle for a new life makes for a journey of redemption that is both relatable and inspiring. I was continually impressed by the author’s ability to vividly depict the harsh realities of Jamestown, providing an immersive historical backdrop that enhances the narrative but also brings to life the different attitudes and motivations of people in the New World with empathy and compassion. Crawford’s message of love and acceptance, even toward those considered ‘savages’ by the standards of the time, is a powerful and timely reminder of the Christian values of compassion and understanding, and it’s wonderful to see these values explored in such a heartfelt way. This helps to reflect a more modern viewpoint without losing any of the historical significance and is exemplary of how sensitive topics can be truthful, but also well-handled. Overall, Jamestown: A New Life is a rich and engaging novel for readers who enjoy faith-based historical fiction and I would certainly recommend it.