Jungle Water

New Depths in American Poetry

Poetry - Inspirational
216 Pages
Reviewed on 06/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Astrid Iustulin for Readers' Favorite

Some poets describe the most complex aspects of society and life, demonstrating that they have thoroughly understood these features. Terrence Beard is one of these exceptional poets who delve into some themes that have captured our interest in recent years. In his poetry collection Jungle Water, he addresses important issues, including racism and African Americans' condition. He also discusses the recent pandemic and criticizes those who managed it, talks about love, and reflects on faith in God. This intriguing book will impress the reader with the poet's honesty and insight.

Jungle Water: New Depths in American Poetry is one of the best poetry collections I have read recently. Terrence Beard gives the reader vivid descriptions without mincing words. His opinions are clear, and his message must make us reflect on the injustices in our society. You can feel the author's genuine interest and concern, which makes the reading engaging from start to finish. Above all, I was struck by his ability to highlight the feelings that certain behaviors cause, especially when he talks about racism and the pandemic. Overall, the book is very well structured, and I like that the last section was dedicated to poems about faith and God because it provides the perfect ending to such an ambitious collection. I am sure all poetry lovers will love Jungle Water, especially if they are concerned about social and contemporary issues and are not afraid to read poetry by someone who tells things as they are. It is to these readers that I recommend this outstanding collection.