Koala's Gift of Calm

The Zoo Inside of You Book 1

Children - Picture Book
40 Pages
Reviewed on 08/03/2024
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Author Biography

Maha Kadafour rediscovered her passion for poetry after many years of service in healthcare and technology start-ups. Driven by her love for children and a desire to contribute to their personal development, she finds purpose and joy in creating children’s books focusing on social and emotional learning. When not writing (or daydreaming), she is appreciating the beauty of nature, traveling to new places, and spending time with family and friends. She lives in San Francisco with her partner and their 16 indoor plants.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

Maha Kadafour's Koala's Gift of Calm is a children's picture book with animal characters and deep messages that will help children learn and implement meditative practices. Children are taught to control their emotions by using breathing techniques. The story's main protagonist is Koala, who is a very calm animal and a master at controlling emotions. However, the other main character is an angry bear, who appears to be very animated and volatile. Thankfully, Koala's calm presence and wise suggestions are here to save the day, but only if Bear allows it. Are Koala's calmness and smart meditative practices enough to control Bear's anger? The answers to these questions are skillfully crafted in this captivating and colorful picture book. 

Even though both characters are animals, their personalities couldn't be more different. The smart blend of Koala's calmness and Bear's anger creates a compelling conflict that engenders deep curiosity and suspense, keeping readers eager to see where the story will lead. The target audience will enjoy reading Maha Kadafour's fun rhymes with simple, relaxing words, like "peace" and "harmony." Children are offered practical steps that will help them adopt meditative practices early in life, like taking deep breaths and learning to count to focus on the moment. I strongly recommend Koala's Gift of Calm to parents, teachers, and guardians who wish to teach children to meditate and be aware of their emotions. I believe a child who takes these practical steps seriously is starting life on the right path.