Late October

A Halloween Tale

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
20 Pages
Reviewed on 08/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Phillip Johnson's Late October is a brief but atmospheric dive into the eerie world of Halloween. It is told through the eyes of Ainsley, a boy who finds solace in the holiday's make-believe horrors as he escapes his quirky and strange parents. Ainsley is a relatable protagonist, especially for those who have ever used fantasy to escape the more daunting aspects of reality. The twist, where something from outside his world seems to be waiting specifically for him, adds a chilling layer to the story, leaving readers with lingering questions and a sense of unease.

Phillip Johnson’s writing is evocative, drawing readers into a world where the flickering yellow eyes of jack-o'-lanterns cast unsettling shadows on the streets. The story's strength lies in its ability to build tension as Ainsley, who usually finds comfort in the harmless frights of Halloween, faces a terror that is all too real. The narrative hints at the darker, unseen forces that can exist in the world, making it a Halloween story and a commentary on the real fears that haunt us beyond the holiday. Phillips gives a haunting but honest definition of Halloween decorations that will make you rethink their purpose. Liam, Tina, Mr. Thompson, and Therese are remarkable supporting characters who move the plot forward effortlessly. Late October is a novella you’d expect to see in The New Yorker or other prominent literary journals. Readers who enjoy Raymond Carver and John Cheever will love Late October. Phillips is a literary master who crafted a story you won’t forget.