Layered Leadership

Drive Double-Digit Growth and Dominate Your Competition with Creative Strategies and Execution

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
256 Pages
Reviewed on 10/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Lawrence R. Armstrong's business guide Layered Leadership speaks on the importance of leadership development, mentorship, and a strong company culture in fostering innovation within organizations. Armstrong talks about how strategic career opportunities and personal growth initiatives, like the WM Mentoring Coaching program, enhance skills development and cultivate strong leaders. Armstrong discusses the role of financial stability and work-life balance in executive effectiveness while contrasting successful business strategies, using Home Depot's customer service focus and branding against HomeClub's challenges. He champions exploring untapped markets and leveraging client relationships to drive growth, emphasizing the necessity of collaboration, accountability, and diversity in leadership teams. Challenges in organizational growth, including geographic expansion and succession planning, require strong leadership, market analysis, and adherence to core values, ensuring alignment with regional practices and effective client service.

Layered Leadership: Drive Double-Digit Growth and Dominate Your Competition with Creative Strategies and Execution by Lawrence R. Armstrong delivers an insightful exploration of innovative leadership strategies grounded in exhaustive research. His clear and concise writing leans into the necessity of creativity in leadership, advocating for a continuous learning approach inspired by Leonardo da Vinci. I thought that Armstrong successfully maintained focus throughout the narrative, making it possible for any reader to grasp his concepts without losing sight of the core message. By sharing his experiences at Ware Malcomb, Armstrong gives relatable illustrations alongside highly actionable strategic growth principles. I loved Armstrong's holistic views and agree that nurturing creativity and adaptability is crucial in today’s competitive landscape. Overall, Layered Leadership is an essential resource for leaders seeking practical strategies to cultivate talent and drive organizational success, and should be considered required reading for those in or aspiring to leadership positions.