Learning Lessons

How One Teacher Found Her Way Back to the True Heart of Learning

Non-Fiction - Memoir
282 Pages
Reviewed on 07/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

Linda, a dedicated teacher, retires after 35 years of hard work. She is heartbroken that the American education system puts too much unnecessary pressure on students and teachers instead of nurturing the human spirit and building interpersonal relationships. Linda's health starts to deteriorate. She is afraid that she won't be able to walk soon. Linda accepts the challenge and becomes a pilgrim on a religious and spiritual trail. The sixty-year-old Linda walks the Camino de Santiago from León, France, to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain. The journey is hard physically and psychologically. Linda meets different pilgrims and those who help and support them along the Way of St. James. Will she find answers to nagging questions? Learning Lessons by Linda Markley will appeal to fans of memoirs and inspirational non-fiction.

Linda Markley's Learning Lessons is not a travel guide for those exploring the Camino de Santiago. While the author shares some technical details regarding the journey, like appropriate footwear or which trail to Santiago de Compostela is less challenging, she mainly speaks about its spiritual side. Linda adds fun facts (many of which I didn't know) about Galicia and the Camino, giving us a valuable historical perspective. The author narrates from a Spanish teacher's point of view and explains the meaning and importance of communication "from one heart to another." Linda also shares the compelling stories of other pilgrims. The story of a courageous nurse named Angie will stay with me forever. Linda asks us to complete interesting tasks after every chapter, inviting us to participate in her journey. Also, Linda offers a simple explanation of the subjunctive mood in Spanish. Surprisingly, the subjunctive represents not only hopes and dreams but also our fears and, thus, obstacles in our way. For me, it is a privilege to become another grateful student.