Lifting The Wheel Of Karma

A Profound Spiritual Journey of Extraordinary Healing and Redemption

Fiction - Drama
218 Pages
Reviewed on 10/26/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Brenda Ballard for Readers' Favorite

Joseph has spent most of his life in anguish due to tormenting, graphic nightmares that he cannot shake when he's not sleeping. In fact, sometimes he daydreams and they come to him: still the same scene, just as graphic and certainly as disturbing.

Using karate as a release, he is undefeated; a powerful fighter who has moved to the adult class for lack of anybody to fight. For every champion, there shall always be another who will defeat and this was the case with his last fight. Broken ribs down his side along with other bumps and bruises, a stranger enters in the locker room to offer him ice. He says no thank you and, little does he know, he has just changed his future..

A freak accident, the yearning to learn mind over matter and perhaps walk again drives the young man to seek wisdom from another in a high Himalayan town in India. To his dismay, the man who waits is the same who offered help after the fight.

With the encouragement and teachings of finding peace through Hinduism by the old man, Joseph grows spiritually, emotionally and as a man. He returns home to Montana for the funeral of his parents, who are killed by a drunk driver, remaining there for many years until he realizes that India is where he belongs.

His journey to find peace affects not just him but also the old man as they both come to terms with commonalities in their past lives.

The author has done a lot of research for this book and it is quite evident in his descriptive detail throughout the book. Whether the farm in Montana where his family resides or the meadow outside the rock house he shares with the old man, the reader feels as if they are right there.

Added to the back of the book is a questionnaire which causes thought about life, religion, temperament, morals and so on. I personally found this relevant to the book and enjoyed answering them in my head.

I highly recommend this book to anybody with an imagination, who like to ponder and certainly enjoy creativity and a few plot twists!!