Longer Than Tonight

Fiction - Drama
170 Pages
Reviewed on 11/02/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lisa McCombs for Readers' Favorite

When asked about his greatest fear, college student Alex hesitated before sharing with his lifelong friends the one element of life that bothered him most: “Eternal nothingness.” The philosophical one of the foursome, Alex’s words prompted a deep, thought provoking conversation on the eve of their last night together before heading off to another year of college. The mood of the evening shifted from jovial beer drinking and memory making to what was to be their last meeting before tragedy struck. Alex, his brother Peter, the comedian Jake, and the lovely Erin, who held Alex’s heart in a deep and unspoken love, woke the next morning to the unspeakable reality of an eternity void of the free life of youth. Alex is the sensible glue that holds the group together. His words and philosophical meanderings leave a lasting imprint on their fate. Peter is forced to make a life altering decision that cannot equal the harsh lesson they all experience after their last night together. How will they cope with the changes that only a brief moment in time can make?

Brian Burnett weaves a captivating tale of friendship and spirituality in Longer Than Tonight. I was quite surprised at the depth of Burnett’s religious intonations as his characters shared their beliefs in this tapestry of collected thoughts. The strength and wisdom revealed in this story of such unique friendship is uplifting in its frank image of our youth. A lesson is to be learned here that everything exists based on goodness. Everything matters.

Maria Beltran

In Longer Than Tonight by Brian Burnett, brothers Alex and Peter are attending a small college in upstate New York. Their childhood friends are Jake, a junior at a college in New Jersey, and Erin, a junior at a university in New England. Separated when they all pursue higher education, they are determined not to lose the special bond they have between each other. On the way to a rendezvous with the group, Alex has a car accident and slips into a coma, and Peter decides not to go back to New York but to stay with him. Reality merges with his determination to keep his brother alive and Peter goes on a journey where he gets to know his brother better.

Brian Burnett’s Longer Than Tonight begins as a story that most of us can relate to. Four people share experiences and form a special friendship, which is threatened simply because they all grow up and have to pursue their future plans. But instead of going completely on their different life paths, they struggle to keep the relationship alive. Alex’s accident exposes his special bond with Jake and Erin, as Peter starts to unravel facts about his brother he never knew before. When Peter’s reality is no longer what it seems, he tries to find out what is real and imagined. The reader is in for a surprise with how the story develops towards the end and this is what makes the novel interesting and unique. Grief, indeed, is a very powerful feeling and there is no knowing how each person deals with it.

Deborah Lloyd

Life is never the same once tragic events happen, whether it is experienced by family members or close friends. A group of college-aged friends, who have been best buddies since childhood, explore the meaning of their relationships with Alex while he is in a coma after a car accident. This group includes Alex and his brother Peter, Jake, and Erin. All live in the same cul-de-sac and share many fun times together; they never imagined life without the support of each other. Longer than Tonight by Brian Burnett presents a number of life lessons as each one deals with Alex’s lack of presence in the group. The life lessons are full of wisdom and unconditional love as Peter and each friend contemplates his relationship with Alex. “Life is made up of a collection of moments” is one example of these memorable lessons.

Once you start reading Longer than Tonight by Brian Burnett, you will not be able to put the book down. Burnett writes with clarity and eloquence, adding substantive information throughout the story. By using the technique of each friend relating meaningful encounters they had with Alex, his personality is clearly understood. Likewise, each friend’s personality is defined and soon the reader cares deeply about each one of them, wishing for a happy ending for all. Peter has the most difficult time dealing with this tragedy, and his devotion to visiting Alex every day is truly poignant. It is not possible to read this book and ever take life for granted again.