Love At A Girl’s School

And Other Stories

Fiction - Anthology
174 Pages
Reviewed on 07/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Raines for Readers' Favorite

In Love At A Girl’s School And Other Stories by Diana Altman, a young girl finds herself fantasizing about her professor and doesn’t understand why so many people she knows don’t see him the way she does. Imagine having Itty Bitty Betsy as a secretary who lives inside your purse, so you don’t need to fumble around to find the necessary items. A typical dentist visit leaves a young woman in a very unusual situation where she is left questioning her husband’s love and loyalty. She wonders if his love is as unending and pure as she once thought. A young woman moves to Scotland and hopes to spend time with someone she thought was a friend but winds up walking a dog for an elderly woman more often.

Love At A Girl’s School And Other Stories is an exciting anthology of stories that I found to be great short reads. I love the variety of genres in this book. It is the kind of collection with a bit of something that everyone can enjoy. The characters in each story are unique, and each plot has the perfect amount of depth and detail to keep you reading. My personal favorite is the story of Rupert, his owner, and the dog walker trying to find herself in a distant place. I recommend Love At A Girl’s School to readers who enjoy quick stories that are fun and entertaining. I hope that Diana Altman has many more short stories to add to future collections like this one.

nancy newman

Diana Altman's new collection of stories, Love At A Girls School', is so much fun to read. The stories are imaginative and unique, playful and touching, and offer a wide range of characters and situations.
I can't wait to read more of Ms. Altman's work!
Nancy Newman