
A Memoir of Romance and Fiction

Non-Fiction - Memoir
344 Pages
Reviewed on 08/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers' Favorite

It is a wonder how love, one of the oldest words in the human vocabulary, and marriage, one of the world’s oldest institutions, are still among the words least understood by many, and, to this day, their ways of working are a mystery most struggle to grasp. Unlike in the nineteenth and partly the twentieth century, women in the twenty-first century have liberty in marriage and their choices for love. Emotions are now more acknowledged and concepts like romance can be openly explored. Yet even with this, divorce rates are at an all-time high. In Loveland: A Memoir of Romance and Fiction, Susan Ostrov gives an account of her experiences in marriage, love, and romance during the mid-twentieth century from her first junior school crush, her first kiss, her marriage, to her romantic life after divorce and more. Get yourself a copy to discover more.

Susan Ostrov’s Loveland: A Memoir of Romance and Fiction is a must-read for both new and established couples and fans of self-help books. Ostrov took me into the complex world of marriage with a succinct style of writing, intriguing anecdotes, and lively experiences, depicting the emotions of a woman in a sentimental labyrinth. Driving a sharp edge of intellect into the discourse, Ostrov gives it a witty backdrop with an uncensored, dramatic, and hilarious tone. Ostrov’s account of her parents’ marriage is sad yet I could not stop laughing, especially because of Ostrov’s way of lacing the narrative with a tinge of sarcasm. I learned a great deal about the basics of a relationship and the role a partner's background can play in determining its success. This book might bring men a step closer to understanding the wants and needs of women in a relationship, and perhaps give men a deeper insight into their emotional space.