
World War II Women Spies

Fiction - Historical - Personage
484 Pages
Reviewed on 08/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by C.R. Hurst for Readers' Favorite

One of the best ways to learn history is through stories, and I have always enjoyed reading stories about women in history who have defied convention to lead compelling lives. In Kit Sergeant’s historical novel Marie-Madeleine, we meet one such woman, Marie-Madeleine Fourcade, who joins the Resistance movement in World War II France after she flees the German bombing and defeat of Paris in 1940. For the next four years, she heads a spy network to reveal Nazi sympathizers in the corrupt Vichy government. However, she finds herself torn between her responsibilities as a mother, her dedication to the Free France cause, and her passion for a man whom she may very well need to sacrifice for that cause.

Kit Sergeant’s ability to capture the heroism and patriotic zeal of women who risk their lives during turbulent times is shown clearly in her World War II Women Spies series. In Marie-Madeleine, the first of this series, the author has not only chosen an inspirational woman as her subject but also illustrates that women in history, like women today, struggled with the competing demands of family and profession. Nowhere is this made more apparent than in a statement made by a fellow spy who remarks: “Your children will always love you unconditionally, but someday, when you tell them what you did during the war, they'll have a hell of a lot more respect for you.” It is this kind of insight that made Marie-Madeleine such a wonderful read for me, so much so that I hope to read the next book in the series, Nancy Wake.