Maximise Your Child's Performance

A Concise Guide to Unlocking their Potential

Non-Fiction - Parenting
154 Pages
Reviewed on 03/31/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Maximise Your Child's Performance: A Concise Guide to Unlocking their Potential by Jennie Segar is a self-help guide for parents and guardians to assist in heightening the potential for success in education beyond what they may or may not already be achieving. The book is broken down into 10 key areas and each taps into a different intellectual growth area to balance out the child's overall experience. These are: Working as a team, which emphasizes the importance of an adult-child partnership over “because I said so”, Games for Grey Matter and what it unlocks, Sports for Smarts, Music, Sharing Stories, Creativity, Free time with both organized and free play, Technology and using it efficiently, Animal Assets and, finally, a focus on health and the importance of nutrition in Great Building Blocks.

As a parent with a child in the ideal age group to start with the program Jennie Segar has put together, Maximise Your Child's Performance comes at a perfect time. I think most readers will find bits and bobs that they already use, or like myself, already know they should be doing but are not sure how to implement them. There will also be a lot that is new and this is where Segar's format really comes in handy. The information and tips are not strictly linear so we are able to pick up where we feel will most immediately benefit our children first. For me, that was actually getting her vitamins in order—a small step that was partly completed with a 30-minute stroll around the local health store. I also selected a bedtime book that I had always considered her too young for, thinking it would be another year before she could tackle it. Imagine my surprise when she read through it with very little help! I can see how this book will have a positive impact on our family life and am certain others who read it will feel the same way. Very highly recommended.

Diana Lopez

Maximise Your Child's Performance by Jennie Segar talks about some very important issues for the proper development of children. It deals with aspects such as the benefits of playing sports, activities to awaken children's creativity, or how to take advantage of free time. Jennie Segar explains it from her experience, with anecdotes about her children, the care of other children, and from memories of her own childhood. The arguments are supported by references to books and articles, and this helps us to search for more information on our own and verify the data. The book is complete, with excellent advice and suggestions, perfect for parents and teachers because it helps to understand the needs of children and how to act correctly in many types of circumstances.

I loved this book. Maximise Your Child's Performance is not limited to giving data and advice; it seeks the good of children. For example, when the book talks about how to select a musical instrument, Jennie Segar considers the children's perspective and the possible difficulties they might have. In addition, she teaches that adults can make mistakes, but we can learn from our mistakes to be a better example for children. I was excited about the reference section at the end of the book because the author did a lot of research. It is very organized with the references arranged by topic. The writing has a very friendly and sincere style, very easy to follow because it is from the point of view of experience. This is a very enriching book.

Philip Van Heusen

Maximise Your Child’s Performance: A Concise Guide to Unlocking Their Potential by Jennie Segar is an extremely helpful book for parents and caregivers who want to provide the best foundation for children. Through the pages of this book, the reader will gain insight into what children require and how to motivate them to maximize their potential. The first thing Jennie explains is parenting is a team sport. Children need to feel like they are loved and belong. A loving parent will spend time with their children playing games that promote stimulating the brain. In my area, the non-academic subjects have been downplayed over recent years. Jennie’s research shows that sports and music are essential to fully develop a child’s brain. Another good practice is reading to or with your children and sharing in storytelling. This is wonderful for building both reading and writing skills. Technology, pets, and nutrition are also discussed.

Are you a parent or caregiver? Do you care about the needs of children? If so, Jennie Segar has written a book that will assist you to improve your child’s academic growth. Too often, parents feel as if they play a minor, if not insignificant role in the development of their children. Jennie debunks this myth. The importance of a parent’s role in their children’s development is seen in Maximise Your Child’s Performance. While Jennie quotes statistics and propounds theories, she does so in layman’s terms. Her style of writing is easy to read and understand. Her goal is not to impress the reader but to promote understanding of how to best support children.