
Young Adult - Sci-Fi
302 Pages
Reviewed on 06/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Keana Sackett-Moomey for Readers' Favorite

Mercury by Lloyd Hall takes YA readers on an adventurous journey through time and space. The main character on this voyage is 19-year-old Lucy, who is traveling on board Mercury, a colony ship. Lucy's main focus is discovering information about her deceased father, Atticus. She's headstrong and refuses to back down in her inquiry. She and her mother, Helena, the ship's captain, don't always see eye-to-eye, but this is because Helena is trying to protect Lucy from family secrets she'd prefer to leave buried. As the story progresses, Lucy is accidentally transported into the past by a strange meteor. While in this new timeline, she encounters younger versions of her parents and finally gets the answers that she's been desperately searching for. But Lucy isn't free from danger yet. The most important question remains unanswered. Can she get back to her original timeline before it's too late?

Mercury by Lloyd Hall is a fantastic sci-fi novel to pore over, especially if you enjoy reading adventure-packed young adult science fiction. The plot is exciting and uncomplicated, and the pacing is perfectly developed. I loved the introduction of the time travel story arc, and how it fits in beautifully with the rest of the storyline. Lucy is humorous, confident, and sassy. She's a strong lead character that every reader will grow to love. The setting and world-building aboard the ship are slightly similar to the Star Trek voyage, which I deeply appreciated. It's a wonderful feeling being submerged in a story that evokes nostalgic feelings in you. I recommend this book to all sci-fi fans. This is a stellar read you won't want to miss out on.