Mighty Mila: Dream Job

Children - Grade K-3rd
36 Pages
Reviewed on 03/21/2024
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Author Biography

Katie Petruzziello is passionate about creating inclusive books to help provide further representation for deaf/hard of hearing children. Her goal is to promote awareness, kindness, and celebration of differences. Katie lives in New York with her husband Fabio and their three kids.

Katie invites you to come visit on Instagram (@mightymilastories) or Facebook (@mightymila) where you can follow along with her journey and see sneak peeks of future projects. She can be reached at mightymilabook@gmail.com.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Haiqa Munir for Readers' Favorite

Differently abled children possess extraordinary strength and resilience. In their unique journeys, they inspire and shine, leaving us in awe. Mighty Mila: Dream Job by Katie Petruzziello is a special book combining the elements of delight, contentment, love, kindness, courage, and the power of support. Mila, a young ball of energy, is a special child who is deaf, but her positivity toward everything is heartwarming. The story revolves around her as she is excited for career day at school and finds every job fun and exciting. Her determination for every role makes her choose every job for her career day, and she dresses up as a chef, sticker artist, magical creature veterinarian, and castle engineer. Mila’s relationships with her siblings, teachers, and mother provide insight into love. Dream big, believe in yourself, and be mighty is an amazing message from the story.

Katie Petruzziello’s writing style is engaging and flows smoothly, keeping young readers captivated from start to finish. The best part is the vibrant and visually appealing illustrations. The artwork effectively captures the emotions and expressions of the characters, creating an immersive world that young readers can easily connect with. Mighty Mila: Dream Job encourages readers to embrace diversity and challenges societal norms by promoting inclusivity and understanding. The author’s main focus throughout the story is the representation of deaf and hard-of-hearing children to encourage awareness, kindness, and the strengths of these special kids. This book is one of light, love, acceptance, and achievements for all young readers.