Mommy and Me Micro-Moments

5-Minute Fun Devotions For Moms and Kids

Christian - Devotion/Study
140 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Mommy and Me Micro-Moments is a book to help mothers spend quality time with their children for about five minutes a day. It contains devotionals for moms, for up to five weeks, which they can read to their kids to bond with them. Bitsy Kemper offers four different bonding activities for mother and child, including Silly Moments, Crayon Moments, Ask Me Moments, and Tender Moments. These 35 devotionals are presented as a way to help you deepen your relationship with your child, nurture and grow your child's relationship with God, and have an altogether fun-filled time creating memories both of you will cherish forever. Aside from the devotionals, the book offers engaging activities as well as silent prayers of gratitude to ensure your child learns some valuable life lessons.

Find joy in the love of God alongside your child every day with Mommy and Me Micro-Moments. Author Bitsy Kemper has found an ingenious way to combine mother and child time with prayers and devotion to God with this illuminating book. It leaves you with a smile on your face and with a deeper appreciation and gratitude for all the joy and love God has bestowed upon you. Children will discover bonding activities with their mom. Mothers can find their own share-your-heart moments, and learn to journal their activities every day to revisit them in the future. The book also contains some funny faith-based jokes that you can share and laugh over with your friends and family. So what are you waiting for? Grab a copy of the book and begin your bonding journey with your child under the guidance of the Almighty!

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Mommy and Me Micro-Moments by Bitsy Kemper provides thirty-five days of devotionals and bonding experiences for you and your child. Each devotional is structured to include a Bible quote, a bonding activity, a prayer for the child, and a prayer of gratitude for the mom to speak to the Lord. Four bonding themes help you capture the silliness, memories, questions, and reflections of your time spent with your child. In addition to the special prayers at the back of the book, you will find questions for moms to answer and consider before you store the book as a keepsake. The devotional may be read at bedtime, but the spiritual time can be shared anytime.

Bitsy Kemper is a mother of three children born within four years, so she understands certain seasons of life can be chaotic. Her book, Mommy and Me Micro-Moments, captures a small amount of time each day that will bring you closer to your child. The prayers of gratitude help readers who may feel like they are in a tug-of-war between what they want to do and the responsibilities that must be done. Kemper's words also provide gentle reminders that moms are not alone and that we can lean on God for support. I have seven children, and my younger children and I have completed several exercises. I feel confident we will love the rest of the daily devotions as we move through the rest of the book. By taking advantage of only five minutes a day, you can complete the same activities every year as your child grows, marveling at the answers they provide.

Jamie Michele

Mommy and Me Micro-Moments: 5-Minute Fun Devotions for Moms and Kids by Bitsy Kemper gives readers a structured plan to help formulate an even deeper connection between mothers and their children through daily activities. Each day features a unique task, such as drawing, playing games, or discussing aspirations, complemented by reflections and prayers. Activities range from drawing hand outlines and creating shadow puppets to recording daily specifics and sharing faith-based jokes. The plan includes both creative tasks, like making silly faces and drawing family portraits, and reflective practices, such as documenting gratitude and discussing unconditional love. Over the 35 days, the devotional aims to enhance the mother-child bond through diverse, engaging interactions that encourage communication, reflection, and shared experiences.

“This the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice in it and be glad.” (Psalm 118:24) Bitsy Kemper’s Mommy and Me Micro-Moments is a wonderfully engaging, spiritually enriching journey for mothers and their children. I found each daily entry to be really thoughtful, beginning with scripture that sets up the activity that follows. From a literary standpoint, Kemper's writing is accessible, guiding families through a variety of bonding exercises comfortably. The standout to me and my own little human is day 22, where we wrote down the lyrics to a favorite song and had a lively chat on what it meant and its significance. Overall, Kemper's devotional is a well-crafted tool for relationship growth at such a critical stage, giving me and my child something to look forward to during our one-on-one time, and an absolute delight to participate in. Very highly recommended.