Mommy Does a Lot So I Want To Too

Children - Grade K-3rd
32 Pages
Reviewed on 06/22/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lisa Miller for Readers' Favorite

Mommy Does A Lot So I Want to Too by S. L. Reyes is a story about a child who wants to help her mother complete everyday chores. The mother allows the child to assist with cooking, sweeping, laundry, washing the dishes, getting the mail and feeding the cat. The child thinks by seeing her mother doing a lot of work, she would like to do what Mommy does. When the chores become too much for the child, the mother encourages her by stating there are chores that only Mommies can do. The story has illustrations to encourage preschooler's imaginings of helping their mothers.

This story encourages preschoolers to help with chores. It is appropriate for this age group because preschoolers love to help others and to make parents feel happy when they help do big chores. I liked how the story explained that there are some chores that only big people can do, and even with help from a parent, the child will not be able to complete the chore. The illustrations in this story were appropriate for the plot. Children, especially preschoolers, enjoy hearing the story and having an illustration to show what the character is doing.