Moon in the Day Sky

Valley of Thunder

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
176 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Constance Stadler for Readers' Favorite

Moon in the Day Sky: Valley of Thunder by Jessie E. Turner is about Ramah, a realm where what exists and dreamt dramatically impacts a social order dominated by a network of male-led clans. Since certain women have access to dreams laden with potent prophecy, their identity must be hidden. When we meet Starsha, whose existence as a dreamer comes from a mother who sacrificed all for her child, she cannot accept the empowering significance of these symbolic messages. But upon the kidnapping of when her younger brother, her dreams become essential guides to acquiring trustworthy directions to find him. On this quest, she comes to value the critical interrelationship between humans and dragons, ranging from unbridled rage to attempts to form an essential alliance. A common hatred for Garthazor, who seeks to dominate through unremitting evil, reinforced by militarism and demonic spells, unites these factions. In grasping the importance of her parentage, discerning the meaning of a half-finished magical tapestry, and negotiating an ongoing struggle with her destiny, Starsha changes. 
The pace of the narrative is driven by a sense of imminent danger, leading to the possibility of totalitarian rule. In the conviction that the confrontation between salvation and devastation will occur in the Valley of Thunder at the moment when Moon and Day precisely align, both sides seek to amass resources for what is to come. At the same time, the need for prophesied leadership makes the outcome uncertain until the final pages. The remaining narrative largely centers on what Starsha learns through constant trials and enhanced prophetic discernment. While simultaneous thematic complexity and clarity rivet the reader, Starsha’s multidimensional progression encompasses a steadfast conviction in the importance of choice. Such layering of action and character results in a work that compels immersion. In the hands of a lesser writer than Jessie E. Turner, the movement between seemingly competing realities would be overwhelming. Moon in the Day Sky is a fantasy that echoes the stylistic intricacies of Tolkien's Middle Earth and Harry Potter's Hogwarts. Upon completion, the reader will likely return to the beginning to best appreciate its wealth of meanings.