My Southern Table

Recipes from a Georgia Kitchen

Non-Fiction - Cooking/Food
346 Pages
Reviewed on 01/30/2024
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Author Biography

Born and raised in south Georgia, I grew up in a family where the kitchen was the heart of our home. The smell of chicken frying, the taste of freshly churned ice cream, the laughter and conversation that filled the air as we gathered around the dining table—these are the memories that have shaped me and continue to inspire me in the kitchen.

In 2009, I started recording the recipes I remembered from my childhood on my blog, Lana's Cooking ( The blog has grown through the years, and many loyal readers have requested a cookbook encompassing these treasured dishes. This book is the culmination of all those years of cooking and writing.

Through this cookbook, I am honored to share with you many recipes that have been passed down in my family for generations, each one steeped in love and tradition. My fondest memories are tied to food—Sunday dinners with family, summer cookouts, and the warmth of holidays spent around the family table. So, these dishes are more than just meals; they’re a tapestry of our history, a taste of our culture, and an embodiment of Southern hospitality.

Whether you’re a seasoned home cook or just starting out, it’s my hope that this cookbook will inspire you, delight your taste buds, and bring warmth to your table. So, pull up a chair, get ready to stir the pot, and savor the rich flavors of Southern cooking. Welcome to my Southern table.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

“Food is more than sustenance, it’s a shared language of love, history, and community.” I love these opening lines in the Introduction to Lana Taylor Stuart’s My Southern Table. Food is much more than what we eat to survive: it defines who we are and the heritage we carry with us throughout our lives. Food is meant to be savored and enjoyed with family, friends, and community. This is particularly evident in the culture of the southern states of the United States. From Corn Dodgers to Chicken Jallop and from Angel Biscuits to Polly’s Pink Stuff and so much more, southern food speaks of history, community, traditions, and love.

Lana Taylor Stuart’s cookbook, My Southern Table: Recipes from a Georgia Kitchen, is a testimony to the charm and beauty, the distinct flavors and history of southern cuisine. The author declares: “Each recipe in this book carries a piece of my heart and tells a story from my life.” Indeed food speaks to all of us and countless stories are often shared with good food, stories about the food itself as well as stories of special moments when the food was served. The book is well organized into sections from Appetizers to Desserts and more. Each recipe is accompanied by a sumptuous color photograph of the finished dish. The recipes have a footnote story and some key points to help make the dish. The ingredients are listed with care and the instructions are easy to follow. This is a real gem of a cookbook that will inspire many food connoisseurs as well as those who just enjoy perusing a good recipe book.