Night of the Crescent Moon

The Champion Chronicles Book 4

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
408 Pages
Reviewed on 10/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Night of the Crescent Moon by M. Flagg is the fourth book in The Champion Chronicles. In book one, Michael Malone, a mystic vampire, battles sorcerers and hell-beasts for love and vengeance but is captured and dying. Guided by an angel, he seeks redemption and hope. In book two, Michael undergoes mystical healing after being rescued by Alana. Facing his past, strained relationships, and a brutal council demand, he seeks his true destiny. In book three, Michael’s buried beast is resurrected in a teenage girl by dark magic, forcing him to confront his guilt and responsibility. With Alana and Lukas, he seeks a wicked wizard and an old enemy to prevent disaster. Now in this installment, Martine enlists Lukas, Michael's son and her former love, to save a patient from a dark witch. As Lukas returns to his old captor’s Second Realm, he must rely on unlikely allies to bring the witch into the human world, all while holding out hope that Martine is open to love.

“Had he found this lake on one of his run-aways, he’d have taken his own short life rather than be dragged back to that cell.” Night of the Crescent Moon by M. Flagg does exceptionally well in driving a supernatural thriller with its characters, a skill that stands out in a genre that tends to overuse magic and underwhelm in emotion. Lukas’s turmoil rips through the pages, particularly as he is forced to confront the suffering and desperation he felt during his imprisonment. His past trauma continues to influence his thoughts, but he is fueled forward by incredible resilience, carrying the weight of his past. Michael is back and there's a wonderfully touching scene between Michael and Mary that shows a bond spanning generations. Flagg uses it to tie in themes of loyalty and debt, reminding us that these families share deep personal connections. Martine is my favorite character and her “Good Witch” status is proven by her good work. Flagg effectively shows us everything that is happening by utilizing alternating points of view, and the result is a fabulous, well-written work that is a worthy successor in the series.

K.C. Finn

Night of the Crescent Moon by M. Flagg is a young adult fantasy novel and the fourth installment in The Champion Chronicles. The story follows Martine, a good witch and ER nurse, who must seek the help of Lukas, a mystical warrior she once loved, to save a patient under the spell of a dark witch from the Second Realm. As Lukas navigates a realm filled with haunting memories and hidden dangers, he must confront both external threats and his complex relationship with Martine. This is a great mix of suspense, romance, and fantasy for fans of in-depth and highly immersive storytelling.

The descriptions are vivid, multisensory, and lavish, creating a world rich with intense action set amongst mystical lore, powerful hierarchies, and intricately penned relationship dynamics. The author's ability to craft compelling characters is evident from the first moment that we meet the mighty and sensitive Martine, and I was with her through her whole journey to save others from dark deeds. The stakes are high when Lukas arrives on the scene, and the converging plotlines of action, danger, and relationship drama all balance well to ensure the mood is always shifting and there’s never a dull moment. The author’s confident command of scenes and chapters makes sure that events always lead to the next suspenseful twists, which ensures that readers are fully immersed in the journey of love, sacrifice, and redemption from cover to cover. Overall, I’d certainly recommend Night of the Crescent Moon by M. Flagg for fantasy fans everywhere to enjoy.

Carol Thompson

Night of the Crescent Moon is the fourth installment in M. Flagg’s The Champion Chronicles. It is a young adult fantasy novel blending mystical elements with a deep exploration of emotional wounds and redemption. It offers a journey through realms of magic, danger, and the complex dynamics between its central characters, Martine and Lukas. Martine’s need to save a patient from the dark spell of a witch from the Second Realm forces her to reconnect with Lukas, a mystical warrior she once pushed away. The tension between them is palpable, adding a rich emotional depth to the story.

M. Flagg does an excellent job of balancing action with introspection, creating a story that is as much about personal growth as the fantastical elements. The intricate world-building draws readers into the mysterious and treacherous Second Realm, where trust is scarce and danger is omnipresent. The character development is a strong point in this novel. Martine’s internal struggle with reopening her heart to Lukas is portrayed authentically, making her a relatable and sympathetic character. On the other hand, Lukas embodies resilience and determination, yet his vulnerability in facing his past adds a touching complexity to his character. The pacing is well-handled, with suspenseful moments that keep you on edge, balanced by quieter, more reflective scenes that allow the characters' emotions to resonate. The fantasy elements are woven seamlessly into the narrative, enhancing the story without overpowering the character-driven plot. For young adult fans of character-driven fantasy, Night of the Crescent Moon is a satisfying read.