
Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
89 Pages
Reviewed on 07/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Makeda Cummings for Readers' Favorite

Nightwatch by James Garrabrant is a compilation of lively and concise observations about human nature and the world around us. Garrabrant's literary work touches on life, love, human perception, history, culture, politics, corruption, cynicism, religion, morality, and philosophy. Some of Garrabrant's memorable sayings include, "Thankfulness makes what we have enough", "Once a people loses its faith, it loses its heart", and "Once it was enough to do the job, to be a good parent, to be a good man, now they demand a smile." His musings are like intimate expressions of what defines us as human beings. Open Nightwatch and experience wisdom and stoicism at its finest.

Nightwatch isn't your typical read. There aren't any long winding chapters with indomitable protagonists, menacing villains, or clever plot twists. Instead, this is a short book overflowing with witty, thought-provoking, inspirational observations that will become etched in your thoughts for days. Mark my words; you can't dart through James Garrabrant's book or treat it like an action-packed novel—quite the opposite. Nightwatch compels you to slow down to genuinely extrapolate, absorb, and appreciate each musing. The author challenges readers to delve deeply into his reflections and do added research. He doesn't dull their ability to search for the answers themselves. As such, many of his observations are deliberately vague and pensive—making this book a thrilling and engaging read. If you're searching for a book that will exercise your mental faculties and make you smile, Nightwatch is the perfect read for you.