
Poems and Photographs

Poetry - General
40 Pages
Reviewed on 05/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Egyptian pyramids are the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the World. A symbol of human ingenuity, hard work, and ambition, these pyramids bring thousands of visitors annually from all over. Inspired by a 15-day tour of Egypt, John Delaney encapsulates his experiences with 13 short poems and 18 photographs in this enthralling poetry book, Nile. The book opens with the poem titled 'The Pyramids,' where the narrator marvels at the wonder of these monuments and what they signify for human civilization. In 'Hieroglyphics,' the narrator looks into the formal writing system of ancient Egypt, focusing on how the letters relate to the English language. 'Tutankhamun' is a poetic eulogy to the immensely popular Boy King of ancient Egypt, King Tut. 'The Box Maker of Fares' tells the story of a famous Egyptian hawker known for traveling with his mango boxes.

Nile is the perfect companion book for travelers with an affinity for ancient cultures and poetry. Using free verse, John Delaney gives a captivating account of his experiences in Egypt, capturing the country's rich heritage and place in history through an engaging collection of poems. The photographs featured in the book tell unique stories of their own, showcasing Egypt and its inhabitants as they cling to their customs and traditions while navigating life's challenges in the 21st century. Egypt is such a fascinating case study, a country rife with socio-political struggles of the modern era that still has one foot firmly planted in history and the vestiges of an ancient culture. Delaney's poems and photographs represent all that and more. In conclusion, this is an informative and inspirational chapbook. Highly recommended.