Nocturne's Embrace

Infernal Symphony Book 3

Young Adult - Paranormal
274 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Nocturne's Embrace is the third novel in the Infernal Symphony series by Maria Giakoumatos. This young adult paranormal novel follows Emily as she grapples with the dangers surrounding her and her brother Zalem. Four months after joining forces with Eden, the threat from Lucifer's Disciples intensifies, bringing forth their most formidable demons yet. Desiring a normal life, Emily seeks solace in a coven of young witches, hoping to escape the chaos her brother’s actions have unleashed. However, to find peace, she must confront the dark forces pursuing them and recruit allies from Zalem’s inner circle.

Author Maria Giakoumatos excels in creating multifaceted characters that undergo significant growth during the challenging twists and turns of this exciting paranormal plot, and it makes them easy to root for right from the opening pages. Emily’s internal struggle between wanting a normal life and the burdens of her brother’s legacy is relatable and deeply engaging, and there’s a great sense of pacing between the chaotic twists of the action and some poignant moments of emotion and reflection. I loved the dark, immersive atmosphere that enhanced the tension at every turn. Giakoumatos paints vivid imagery of the many supernatural elements, drawing readers into a world filled with danger and intrigue that feels both enchanting and menacing. There’s confidence in the narrative that lets readers know they’re in safe hands with this author. The gripping pace throughout with chilling, mounting suspense makes it difficult to put the book down as each revelation heightens the stakes for Emily and her allies. Overall, Nocturne's Embrace is a highly recommended read for fans of the existing series, and paranormal adventure enthusiasts looking for their next exciting read.