Not Good Enough Girl

A Memoir of an Inconvenient Daughter

Non-Fiction - Memoir
272 Pages
Reviewed on 10/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Not Good Enough Girl: A Memoir of an Inconvenient Daughter by Sondra R. Brooks explores her complex relationship with her mother, stemming from childhood experiences marked by strict discipline and family dysfunction following her parents' divorce. She details the impact of her stepfather, Dan, whose physical discipline and introduction of negative influences shaped her upbringing. As Brooks moves through her teenage years, she is overcome by isolation, body image issues, and family problems, which persist into adulthood, affecting her relationships and mental health. Financial struggles and marital issues with her husband, Kyle, exacerbate her feelings of loneliness. After a significant death and a further strained relationship with her mother, Brooks seeks therapy to address her past traumas and establish boundaries.

Not Good Enough Girl by Sondra R. Brooks presents a courageous and raw look at one woman's experiences with familial dysfunction and its lasting impact on individual choices. Brooks masterfully articulates her complicated relationship with her mother, and by tracing her own roots back to a tumultuous childhood marked by—and let's not mince words here—abuse and total emotional neglect. The testament of a skilled writer is to make painful experiences somehow transcend the page and connect to readers who may not have had similar experiences. Brooks does this, and I felt everything she shared in my bones. The writing is persuasive, drawing readers into Brooks' journey of self-discovery and healing, making this memoir an affecting reminder of the enduring scars left by childhood trauma, and the path toward healing. Very highly recommended.