Nymph Totem

Young Adult - Mythology/Fairy Tale
286 Pages
Reviewed on 08/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Sadiyah Bhamjee for Readers' Favorite

Step into hell with Nova as she is cast out after her coming-of-age ceremony goes awry. Just as Nova finally gets to take her friendship to the next level with the charming prince, she is banished from The Garden, an idyllic island that floats about Earth, and sent to the underworld. She is not sent there alone, however. The prince’s dark and mysterious brother is sent to rule the underworld. Nova battles against her exile while she fights feelings for the underworld’s new king. Convinced that she should be with her Prince Charming, Nova struggles to change her fate, and her true nature. Join Nova as she battles her feelings, the system, and her nature, all while riding a dragon, in Nymph Totem by Brittni Chenelle.

I had planned to read just a few pages of Nymph Totem to relax after a tiring day, but the next thing I knew it was 3 a.m. and I had finished the entire book. The reasons I could not put down Brittni Chenelle’s Nymph Totem range from a thrilling plot to a pulse-racing romance to enough deception to leave me wanting revenge. The plot always had something to give. Whether it was a sudden betrayal or a tender moment, something was always waiting around the corner. Nova's romance choice between the brothers was effective because of the carefully written characters. As Nova changed, the way the brothers adapted highlighted parts of their characters and it made the characters real. No one was perfect and that made them relatable.