Pay Less Money To: Your Uncle!

Tax Tips and Strategies for Individuals and Small Business Owners - A Layman's Guide

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
103 Pages
Reviewed on 07/18/2024
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Author Biography

Robert Pais is a seasoned CPA with many years of experience working with individuals and small business owners. Living in the Boston, MA area, Robert and his wife maintain close relationships with their 3 adult children, their spouses and a beautiful 22-month-old granddaughter. The look forward to welcoming their 2nd grandchild this fall.

Robert's career journey has been anything but conventional. He began in Public Accounting, where he spent approximately seven years before venturing out to start his own business. For over two decades, Robert successfully owned, and operated a vending machine company. After selling the business, he became involved in various other business ventures, including advertising, mobile application development, and also created a commercially successful board game with a friend.

In 2019 he decided it was time to give up life as an entrepreneur. For the past 4+ years he has been back working as a CPA and has now authored a book of tax tips and strategies for individuals and small businesses owners, Pay Less Money To: Your Uncle!

Reflecting on his eclectic career, Robert often quotes one of his favorite bands, the Grateful Dead: "What a long, strange trip it's been!"

    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Everyone living in the United States should pay their fair share of taxes; however, they should not overpay. Robert Pais knows that the average American finds tax strategies beyond their comfort zone and gives amazing help in his book Pay Less Money To: Your Uncle! This book covers every conceivable tax planning angle and will help even the average taxpayer save money. I found this book a joy to read and very enlightening. Topics include Quarterly Tax Payments, Tax-Advantaged Investments, Qualified Tuition Plans, Retirement Plans, Health Savings Accounts, Child Tax Credits, Home Office Deductions, Business Travel Expenses, Home Office Deductions, and many more. There is something for everyone in this guide. This book will help you learn the best approach to take as you prepare your taxes. I recommend this book to every taxpayer, regardless of income level or tax situation.

Have you ever wondered if you are making all the deductions you can on your taxes? If so, Pay Less Money To: Your Uncle! by Robert Pais is the book for you. Robert is your tour guide for all things tax-related. In layman's language, he digs into every aspect of tax-paying while giving wise guidance for taking advantage of every deduction you deserve. Each deduction is broken down into its various components and explained. You will learn what you can deduct and strategies for maximizing savings. One key to correctly maximizing your deductions is to organize and prepare to fill out your forms. You might be in for a pleasant surprise when you do your taxes this coming year. The sooner you read this book, the sooner you will save money. I highly recommend this book.