Percy St. John and the Chronicle of Secrets

Illustrated Edition

Young Adult - Religious Theme
212 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

In Percy St. John and the Chronicle of Secrets by E.A. Allen, Percy lost his father, who was the vicar in a small village, when he was only nine years old. Having no one take care of him, plans are made to send him to an orphanage. Later, Percy finds himself in a mysterious monastery where St. Hilda is revered. Many don’t like him, but Brother Gabriel is nice to him. Things become worse for Percy when he is accused of stealing a rare valuable book. To clear his name, he starts to look for the book. Even after it has been found, Percy continues with his quest to find out more about the mysterious book that caused so much trouble for the monastery, including the death of a priest who captures Percy’s attention before his demise. Who sent Percy to this place, and how will things unfold?

Percy St. John and the Chronicle of Secrets by E.A. Allen is a wonderfully written book with a unique plot line that captivated my imagination from the first chapter to the last. The vividly described events in the monastery got me thinking about how monks live, and I will read more about such religious organizations. The systematic flow of events also ensured no room for confusion for the reader, and I loved how engaging the dialogues were. Allen also ensured that the characters were well-developed and the narration was on point. The reader will also appreciate the easy-to-understand language used, which makes the work accessible to all kinds of readers. The wonderful illustrations by Evgeniya Kozhevnikova add to the overall beauty of the book.