Rational Theism, Part One

An A Priori Proof in God's Existence, Omniscient and Omnipotent

Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
99 Pages
Reviewed on 04/04/2024
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Author Biography

Philosophy's greatest questions, and most difficult, can be answered definitively, and Ratioanl Theism, both parts one and two, show how this is now an actuality rather than just a possibility. I've more recently added to book one, an abstract diagram of the science of metaphysics it advances in answer to the challenge of Immanuel Kant (it makes the argument more fathomable). As for the author image, yes, that's Rembrandt. Since Rembrandt, the greatest portrait artist of all time, preceded me, I couldn't get him to sketch my portrait so I used his. The self-portrait by the Master seems to suggest astonisment--which can work either of two conflicting ways, depending on your perspective.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Constance Stadler for Readers' Favorite

For millions of steadfast believers, faith alone affirms a realm beyond the limits of mortality. At the same time, philosophers have long put forth that, in the absence of reasoned proof as to the existence of a higher Being, the conclusions of agnostics and atheists must be valid. In response, Rational Theism, Part One: An A Priori Proof In God’s Existence, Omniscient and Omnipotent contends that the existence of God is a truth supported by reason and empiricism. Of the numerous salient points made by the author, Mikhail Kelnikov, two come to the forefront. Reason unequivocally establishes the existence of a higher Being founded on immutable causality. Consciousness—the awareness of our existence, that is, the human mind—must have a source for its original creation. Examples of empirical justification abound. Justification also includes analogies made with the Big Bang theory (and like cosmological concepts), which are cogently advanced as a form of fundamental argumentation akin to the idea that God can invoke change and remain Absolute. The second purpose of the book is bifurcated. It makes the case for rational theism by countermanding its opposition, detailed in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, in tandem with identifying interpreters who lack an understanding of Kantian rationalism. As well, it points out flaws in Kant’s conclusion regarding the non-existence of an absolute Being by asserting that limited reason makes the only possible conclusion an indefensible presupposition.

While those not steeped in philosophical thought might shy away from this book because of its intellectual complexity, attentive reading reveals repeated examples of seminal contentions in tandem with the paraphrasing of individual points. Moreover, numerous illustrations show that while theists and antitheists may premise a defense of their position based on interpretations of the same data, that does not mean the antithetical argument is correct. While it is contended that the Bible should not be interpreted literally, the ideas behind Darwin’s theory of natural selection also misinterpret effect as cause. What is particularly noteworthy is the absence of investment in contradicting Kant's Critique, which, as the author establishes, is what distinguishes Rational Theism, Part One. Mikhail Kelnikov’s deviation from traditional pro forma disputes with Kant’s antithesis focuses on the lack of a response to requested challenges, complemented by an impoverished understanding of metaphysics, which inherently leads to the conclusion of a meaningless reality. Rational Theism, Part One is a brilliantly articulated—and accessible—analysis upon which seemingly immutable proofs rest. It is consonant with the best of all that distinguishes philosophic thinking. The reader will not only be compelled to plumb its intellectual depths but will also immerse themselves in philosophical discourse at its best.