Remember Juneteenth

Multicomponent Rhyming Story

Children - Educational
80 Pages
Reviewed on 08/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Inga Buccella for Readers' Favorite

Remember Juneteenth by S.R. Murrell is an informative and fun children's activity book. The main characters, Marie and Marlin, are pictured in colorful graphics. Sections of the book alternate between inspiring prose explaining Juneteenth, followed by a sentence from the rhyming story to be copied on ruled paper. A coordinating coloring page, usually featuring young Marie and Marlin follows. The children are pictured meeting up with brave older ancestors who have survived the shackles of slavery. The activities in the book center around celebrating the struggles of the past but emphasize the importance of remembering and celebrating the present too.

S. R. Murrell’s Remember Juneteenth has rhythm as well as rhyme. Although the text includes mentions of serious happenings of the past to explain the reason for Juneteenth, the story also speaks of a day of celebration for having gotten through such times. Children have the chance to echo key phrases on the double-lined pages. This activity reinforces the powerful statements and also teaches them how to form letters and words. The last half of the book includes blank pages for children to write their own stories in rhyme, and also draw pictures. I was interested in this book because I wanted to learn more about Juneteenth and I also enjoy poetry. But, the words, images, and activities were more inspiring than I expected. Juneteenth is about being hopeful for the future while remembering the past. Certainly, any child, or even an adult, will not soon forget Juneteenth after reading this multicomponent rhyming story.