Rescue Run

Capt. Jake Rogers' Daring Return to Occupied Europe

Fiction - Action
352 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers' Favorite

Captain Jake Rogers was leading the Charles C. Walcutt, an American Liberty ship, on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic. Between the rough waters and torpedo attacks from German U-boats, the ship split into two, forcing Captain Rogers and his crew to abandon the ship. After a few days, they are rescued by an Irish ship, and end up in Port Limerick, Ireland. Captain Rogers learns about the predicament of Solomon Maduro, the father of Miriam Maduro, Captain Rogers’ lover. Like all the other Jews in Amsterdam, Solomon had been rounded up by the Nazis and sent to a labor camp. Captain Rogers plans on sneaking Solomon out of the camps. It turns out an Irish diplomat also wants what Rogers wants with Maduro. Rogers sets out for Amsterdam on his mission with the help of the diplomat. However, with very few people he can trust and danger lurking at every turn in the Nazi-occupied territory, will Rogers succeed? Find out in John Winn Miller’s Rescue Run: Captain Jake Rogers’ Daring Return to Occupied Europe.

You will not stop until you finish the last page. John Winn Miller’s Rescue Run is just what you should be looking for if you love fast-paced, action-packed espionage thrillers. Weaving an intriguing plot, Miller offers non-stop nerve-wracking action, featuring an exciting and dynamic cast. The tone, storyline, and ingenious plot twists had me on the edge of my seat. Giving the scenes a tremendous dramatic touch, Miller accompanies the narration with humor. I could not help laughing at some of Rogers’ escapades in Amsterdam. The evocative depictions and Miller’s accurate references to World War II history captured the mood and setting of the scenes, taking me back in time to the mid-twentieth century. The reading experience felt like watching an amazing spy thriller movie. I would love to see Rescue Run on the big screen. Adventure, thrills, action, suspense, humor, and so much more in this page-turner. I loved it and will check out more of Miller’s work.