
The New World

Fiction - Science Fiction
612 Pages
Reviewed on 03/01/2024
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Author Biography

Hello. My name is Shemar Frazier and I am a 24 year old writer. I've been plotting stories since I was 12 years old as a small hobby, but have never thought much about them until a few years ago. In early 2018, I thought of an interesting idea about a zombie story set in a futuristic setting. I didn't do anything with this idea until the summer of 2019 when I noticed that I kept thinking about it because I thought it was cool. I then wrote a short prologue and showed it to friends and family who were impressed by it and encouraged me to take it seriously. I took their advice and completed the first chapter in September 2019 and finished the last chapter in June 2020. The book is now available for sale in paperback and digital format.

Hobbies: I like video games, music, board games, reading, learning about other cultures, and puzzles.

Favorite gaming genres: Fighting games, strategy games, and story based games.

Favorite music genres: Hip Hop, Jazz, Soul, Lo-fi, and Reggae.

Favorite board games: Chess and checkers.

Favorite sports: Tennis, swimming, and martial arts.

Favorite book genres: Science fiction and action.

I live in Nicholasville, Kentucky.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Revolution: The New World is a work of fiction in the science fiction genre. It is aimed at mature young adult readers and was penned by author Shemar Frazier. Set in a future vision of Earth ravaged by The Age of Zombies, a group of teenagers venturing outside the safety of their kingdom discover a means for ending the blight of the undead on their world. Unfortunately, those who run the safe zones learn of their discovery and utilize whatever means are necessary to suppress them from telling the rest of the world. The group must now battle against not just the bandits and the undead, but also the same government that previously protected them.

Author Shemar Frazier has crafted a non-stop work of post-apocalyptic fiction with plenty of thrills, action, and interpersonal drama to offer its readers. One of the features which I found particularly impressive about this piece was its resonating voice for YA audiences, because Luke, Anna, and the other ensemble cast members really did feel like teens thrown in at the deep end. In terms of this dynamic presentation of character, I found that the use of close narration created a deeper emotional resonance, and the dialogue spoke truthfully to characterize realistic attitudes, bravery, and grit. This makes for a bunch of heroes you can really get behind, and an immense and well-described disaster world for them to try to salvage. Overall, I would highly recommend Revolution: The New World to fans of intense adventures, clever and atmospheric worldbuilding, and to zombie fiction readers everywhere.

Pikasho Deka

Revolution: The New World is a young adult zombie post-apocalyptic novel by Shemar Frazier. Set in a dystopian future, the book follows a group of teenagers as they come to terms with The New World, where the safe havens have been split into the Nine Kingdoms and governed by the ruthless and tyrannical regime of the Royals. Split into two groups, the Royals rule over the kingdoms via orbital ships known as The Zodiacs and the kingdom of Gaia. As Luke Miller and his fellow squad members ready themselves for their first assignment outside Olympus, disgraced Royal Anna Robertson joins their ranks. But the group soon finds out that zombies aren't the only threat in the wild as clashing factions and treachery threaten their very existence.

Revolution: The New World is an entertaining and action-packed adventure novel that seems set to carry on the torch of the post-apocalyptic zombie genre lit by the likes of Zombieland and The Walking Dead. Although primarily a zombie action-adventure, Shemar Frazier's rollercoaster of a ride also acts as a coming of age story that seamlessly incorporates the themes of oppression and revolution and showcases the strength of unity amidst overwhelming odds. Switching through multiple POVs and timelines, Shemar Frazier deftly portrays the varying factions of the story, making the narrative easily accessible and immersive. The characters are likable, and I was amused by the banter between the Squad Zeus members. I especially enjoyed the scenes involving Luke, Sonya, Anna, and Veronica. Anyone craving a post-apocalyptic zombie adventure should check out Revolution: The New World.