Ride the Winds of Whatever

A Novel

Romance - Historical
348 Pages
Reviewed on 08/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

Marc Fletcher and Christina Nicolschi Orlov are spies and a fake married couple on a serious mission in Europe in 1941, a time marked by war and the increasing threat that Nazis pose to the rest of the world. Though Marc is happy to accept an opportunity to hurt the Nazis by traveling to Moscow, he fears being exposed by the enemy. With their new passports and travel papers, Christina's identity as a famous musician would be kept hidden from the public. As the 'newlyweds' begin to grow fond of each other, they explore the possibilities of becoming romantically attached and enjoying the beauty of traveling amidst the growing threat of being followed and caught by the enemy. Michael John Cruit's Ride the Winds of Whatever is a captivating historical tale of a romantic journey involving two charming protagonists in a time of war. 

Ride the Winds of Whatever offers us the opportunity to enjoy two stories in one. Michael John Cruit smartly combines the perspectives of the spies and their villainous pursuer, creating an addictive, suspenseful atmosphere that keeps you flipping the pages throughout. Despite its dark war themes, the book has a notable cheerful atmosphere brought about by humorous conversations and an adorable display of affection between the new couple. Also, prepare for some philosophical thoughts and questions, like Marc's thoughts about his emotions: "What is it that triggers this sudden yearning for domestic bliss?" Readers who love historical stories with strong romantic themes will appreciate this amazing page-turner. Ride the Winds of Whatever will have you smiling visibly with its attractive love story while keeping you concerned about the safety of its protagonist with its suspenseful twists.