Sacred Mercy

Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
232 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Alle Venega is focused on training to improve her fighting skills and aiding her young daughter Lani in learning how to control her growing powers. After watching her daughter's abilities tear a hole in the fabric of the veil, she is uneasy because she knows there is something evil afoot but cannot put her finger on it. When disturbing events occur all around the world, she believes this must be the harbinger of evil things to come, as the dark demon prince she inadvertently tied herself to prepares his armies for one final battle for the souls of men in Evangeline Pierce's Sacred Mercy.

Angels and demons duke it out for supremacy in this apocalyptic Christian thriller by Evangeline Pierce. Sacred Mercy is the second book in the Sacred series. Pierce keeps her story simple by drawing on scriptural information about the end times as an important source of reference for her material. It is interesting how she has blended her principal character's background with Alle's origin story, which makes for some interesting reading. Her emphasis on the importance of knowing the true name of your adversary shows just how much attention is paid to the little details that make this story tick. I am particularly impressed by the way Pierce intermingles biblical teachings with her adventure story, especially a conversation between Alle and the Most High. The best part of this novel is the way Pierce crafts interesting subplots without pushing them too far outside the realm of credibility. All of these aspects come together nicely to produce an entertaining reading experience.