Searching for Zen

A Tale of Divine Destiny

Fiction - Fantasy - General
201 Pages
Reviewed on 05/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Searching for Zen: A Tale of Divine Destiny is a work of fiction in the fantasy, adventure, and interpersonal drama genres. Penned by author Albert T Franklin, the plot follows a humble boy given a divine destiny, thrusting him into a journey of self-discovery and perilous adventure in a world where Earth intertwines with realms of fantasy and science fiction. From humble beginnings, our hero embarks upon a life-changing journey, struggling to understand his purpose amidst doubt and loneliness. However, as Zen comes of age, he finds strength within himself, builds a family from strangers, and discovers love, all while facing trials that amplify as his power increases. Through his quest, Zen learns that true power lies not in his abilities alone, but in the bonds of love, friendship, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Author Albert T Franklin has crafted an immersive and transformative story, transporting audiences into a richly imagined world where fantasy and reality merge with great balance and conviction. The narrative flow brings Zen's journey to life, evoking a wide range of emotions as we follow him through triumphs and tribulations, sitting right on his shoulder to feel every second of emotion. The themes of self-discovery, friendship, and the power of love are gently inserted early on, building gradually into a tale that strongly reminds us all of the importance of inner strength and human connection in overcoming life's challenges. This beautiful message is carried into the atmosphere and mood of the settings and action sequences too with complementary descriptions to match the emotional tone. As Zen grappled with his divine destiny and the sacrifices it demanded, I found myself rooting for him more and more and feeling inspired by his resilience and determination. Overall, Searching for Zen is a captivating fantasy novel that I would not hesitate to recommend.

Pikasho Deka

Searching for Zen is a fantasy adventure novel by Albert T. Franklin. When the Creator gives one of his heralds the task of finding a child with a good heart, the Watcher selects a young boy named Akio from the world of Terragia to be the champion of his people. Blessed with extraordinary powers, Akio becomes the new Zendarian. Now, as Zen, he must set forth on a quest to pass the ultimate test, which will decide his fate. On this journey, Zen will find five other companions, acquire powerful artifacts, enhance his abilities, and fight many enemies. He helps and heals people along the way, including bringing the spirit of a young woman back to life. However, as he makes his name with his exploits, new enemies arise. Will Zen be able to pass the ultimate test?

Searching for Zen is an enthralling fantasy adventure tale filled with action, romance, and a healthy dose of magic. Albert T. Franklin offers fantasy readers the perfect magical world to immerse themselves in. With every passing chapter, you will find a new place to explore with compelling characters you can relate to. Each member of Zen's traveling crew, including Duncan, Catastavous, Mary, Divya, and Brewst, has a memorable personality that makes an impression on the reader. I loved the dynamic between Zen and his friends. Franklin's plotting is intricate and full of surprises. If you're a fan of fantasy adventure stories about quests to find ancient artifacts, this is the book for you. As a fantasy fan, I enjoyed the book, and you should too!

Frank Mutuma

In Searching for Zen: A Tale of Divine Destiny by Albert T. Franklin, Zen is chosen early on by the High Creator of Worlds for a special purpose. He was born on the island kingdom of Bretayne to a widow, and, after starting to acquire his powers, people don't like him very much. This causes loneliness. With a single touch, Zen can acquire all the memories and experiences of the touched party. Soon he realizes some people, like King Elric, are bad, murdering innocent women and children. Such horrible memories stay with Zen forever. Soon, Zen embarks on a journey that will put him to the test to find his suitability as a deity. On the journey, he is to meet five people who will become like family to him and help him through his tribulations. They all have unique abilities, apart from an unlikely addition, Mary.

Searching for Zen by Albert T. Franklin was an incredible read. With a seamlessly flowing plotline and well-developed characters with magical powers, I was hooked from the first chapter to the last, and I couldn't put it down once I started reading. I loved how vivid Albert was in the descriptions of events and places, which helped create a mental picture of what was happening. I also loved how the author used suspense effectively, which ensured that I looked forward to subsequent chapters to find out more about the adventures of Zen and his friends. Another concept in the book that captured my attention was how free choice was emphasized. Zen always gave people a choice. Readers will also appreciate other themes, such as tolerance.

Essien Asian

Akio’s mother knew there was something special about her son from birth. She tries to shield him from a wicked world by hiding his gifts, but when tragedy strikes, and she falls deathly ill, Akio risks it all to save her. Now viewed as an outcast by his people, he leaves home to find his way in the world, where he meets The Herald, who guides him until the appropriate time approaches. The Herald sends Akio out on a dangerous quest that will help him understand the purpose of his creation and fulfill his destiny. Only time will tell what complications await him on this quest in Albert T. Franklin’s Searching For Zen: A Tale of Divine Destiny.

Albert T. Franklin’s novel is a classic case of good against evil. The character development is sound as each principal actor has a thoroughly fleshed-out origin story that is easy for readers to follow. Franklin keeps it simple in every aspect of the adventure, from the entertaining conversations between Akio and the different individuals he crosses paths with right up to the world-building, which is an exciting mix of modern names with a certain ring to them in cities like Stonebridge and Izmir, to the exotic mythical beings such as the Naga. What sets Searching For Zen apart is the attention to detail Franklin applies when crafting the relationship between Akio’s merry band of supporters, highlighting the importance of the bonds of friendship and purpose that bind them. Franklin offers a reasonable dose of combat within the adventure that will appeal to action enthusiasts as the principal character shows he is not averse to spilling blood when needed. Franklin’s unique storytelling approach and impressive world-building tick all the boxes for an enjoyable novel that fantasy enthusiasts will appreciate.

Doreen Chombu

Searching for Zen is an epic fantasy novel by Albert T Franklin that follows the story of Zen, a young man with a divine destiny, born to an impoverished widow. His journey begins when he gains powerful healing abilities after touching a gifted healer. Throughout the story, Zen learns different skills and how to harness them. Despite facing loneliness and discrimination, he meets loyal friends, goes through tests and quests, and grows from a lost boy into a confident leader. His unique abilities to manipulate time, heal, read memories, and much more bring excitement, romance, and emotional depth to the story. Join Zen and his friends as they face fierce foes and find powerful artifacts to aid them on their quests.

Searching for Zen is a captivating story that will take you on an emotional and fascinating adventure in a richly imagined world with a relatable protagonist. It explores themes of self-discovery, rejection, love, and the fight of the human spirit. The plot introduces readers to an intriguing cast of magical creatures, including shape-shifting felines, trolls, powerful gods, and many more beings. The author combines mythology, fantasy, and real elements in crafting this story, resulting in a gripping read. From the first page to the last, readers will be filled with anticipation, not knowing what will happen next. The eclectic group of friends that eventually becomes Zen's family is my favorite part of the narrative. Despite their differences and unique traits, the group is willing to sacrifice everything to help Zen complete his quests. Searching for Zen is a must-read for all epic fantasy fans who enjoy stories with action, emotional growth, and adventure.