Second Chance

Romance - Contemporary
324 Pages
Reviewed on 05/09/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Joy Hannabass for Readers' Favorite

Always enjoying stories about second chances, I was eager to read Hazel Cotton’s “Second Chance.” Amber and Jack hit it off from the start, each having the same strong attraction for each other. But Amber’s parents didn’t like Jake from the start and demanded early on to stop their relationship. But mom and dad found out that Amber and Jack weren’t buying it, so the two determined to prove they were going to stay together. Things were good until a devastating chain of events ended up driving them apart in every way. It was eight years later when Amber received the call from Jack wanting to see her. A lot can happen in eight years, and Amber wasn’t sure how the meeting would be, but she did want to see the man that captured her heart at the age of eighteen.

First of all, however crazy about Jack Amber was, I can’t believe she would be waiting so long to see him again. Despite his mom and dad’s lifestyle, Jack turned out to be a nice guy, handsome and adorable. Yeah he had a rough side and had some issues, but he wasn’t his dad, and these things could be worked through. Sometimes I just wanted to slap Amber’s dad because he was so very rude and hateful to Jack. I kept wondering how he was as a teenager, probably worse than Jack. I was a little bored reading about their earlier years, but as I got to their reunion the story had a faster pace and became more enjoyable. The story setting was wonderful. I enjoyed the journey through Yorkshire and on to Australia, getting to know the area in detail as the author described it. Hazel Cotton writes about issues all high school age young people deal with, bringing back memories of those long ago years for me, mostly good! If you are a romance reader, you will enjoy this book.