Seven Perfect Days

Fiction - Literary
418 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Angelique Papayannopoulos for Readers' Favorite

Francesca Vespa's Seven Perfect Days chronicles the story of Maggie as she navigates her complicated life from high school into her late twenties. A tragic event has been haunting her for years and has been causing emotional turmoil for some time, while her eccentric friend Alex tends to be unstable and energy-draining. The friendship is further strained when Alex learns a secret Maggie withheld from her. Amid her chaotic life, a trip overseas brings her renewed hope. As Maggie struggles with self-discovery, she always seems to fall in love with gay boys. Traveling to exotic locations, she meets new people and develops new friendships, as well as sexual encounters. Then Maggie meets Adam Moon, a kindred soul from the Maldives, who is as messed up as she is. But, due to political unrest on the island, Adam goes missing. An intriguing love interest seems to be blossoming, but is this the right time to pursue it?

An enthralling novel of friendship and betrayal, Seven Perfect Days explores the bonds of friendship and loyalty. The novel has a character-driven plot, featuring a cast of complex yet intriguing characters who draw you into their world. Francesca Vespa's narrative is a balanced blend of dark drama, emotions, humor, and wittiness. While the narrative is almost memoir-like and poetic, it is fascinating and engaging to read. Despite some parts seeming drawn out, the reader will be absorbed in the subsequent events. Seven Perfect Days is a heartwarming and heartbreaking story woven together with themes of friendship, betrayal, and forgiveness. You'll enjoy this book if you like humorous dramas full of emotional rollercoasters and culture shocks, and are open-minded about gay relationships and sexual content. I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the ride!