
Fiction - Drama
312 Pages
Reviewed on 08/23/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Siblings is a medical themed family drama novel by K.J. Janssen. Two generations of the Symington family feature as central characters in this complex drama. The patriarch of the family is Ronald, a wealthy and successful physician heading up the Symington Medical Center with business partner Dr. John Hazelton, but there’s more friction than first meets the eye between these two secretive figures. When Ron hires an investigator to discover the truth, it could be his wife Marilyn who comes into the real firing line. Richard, Wilson and Maggie are the three Symington children, each embroiled in their own personal dramas, and it’s clear that money isn’t everything when a family has problems as big as these.

Fans of heightened TV medical dramas are sure to love the complex flavour of dysfunctional families that K.J. Janssen brings to Siblings. There’s back-street illegal abortions, drugs, sex, affairs and everything in between as each of our five central characters runs the full gamut of human emotions in a relatively short amount of pages. I found Siblings to be a highly readable novel, though it felt a little light in its treatment of some very dark themes, never really burrowing to the true core of its characters’ issues. Nevertheless, the cast was well conceived and vivid on the page – especially the cripplingly inadequate Richard – and the story moves along at a speedy pace, stopping only to fill readers in on the background details of the cast’s lives. Fans of character driven high drama are sure to enjoy Siblings.