Sidetracked to Surrender

A True Story of Overcoming Trials and Finding Redemption in God’s Love

Non-Fiction - Grief/Hardship
323 Pages
Reviewed on 08/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Sidetracked to Surrender is a memoir of Donna Bess and her spiritual journey, beginning with the death of her friend Judy, which triggers a period of guilt and destructive behavior. She enters a troubled marriage with James, marked by his alcoholism and lack of faith. In time, Donna finds support in Christianity and the church community. Her difficulties intensify with false pregnancy fears, marital issues exacerbated by the 9/11 attacks, and James’s eventual psychiatric care. After enduring personal loss, including the deaths of her mother and James, and overcoming professional setbacks, Donna finds herself in a deceptive relationship with Frank and an abusive marriage with Dean. Through caring for her granddaughter and relocating to Tennessee for healing, supported by a friend and her faith. Donna begins her journey of renewal, finding hope through surrendering to God’s love.

The first thing that will strike a reader about Sidetracked to Surrender is how authentically grounded Donna Bess is in her willingness to admit mistakes, hardships, and moments of doubt. I found her honesty and vulnerability to be the connective tissue that carried through the whole book, and in the delivery of her message that faith is a journey filled with challenges. I think that will resonate strongly with readers who want to hear from a writer who doesn't try to clean up the grittier aspects. This transitions to her writing style, which is markedly conversational and wonderfully accessible. You know when you're on a long car ride and someone with more experience than you is sharing their life? That's how Bess comes across, and why I believe those who read this book will be better equipped to surrender to God. Recommended.