Silent Echoes

A Story of Abandonment and Redemption

Christian - Romance - Contemporary
166 Pages
Reviewed on 08/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

In Silent Echoes by Crystal Mary Lindsey, Dr. Faith Lancaster is a junior doctor when she meets Dr. Kaleb, who is much older and an experienced surgeon. They are in love, but their unlikely union faces serious challenges since Kaleb’s mother doesn’t approve of them being together. Despite the challenges, they get married, but Kaleb walks out of their marriage without any explanation. Heartbroken, Faith moves to another city where she immerses herself in her work. Her colleagues love her, and when the time comes for her to deliver the baby, they show tremendous support. When the pictures of their son get posted on social media, Kaleb reaches out, but can Faith forgive him for all the pain he has caused her? How was Kaleb’s mother involved in everything that unfolded?

Silent Echoes by Crystal Mary Lindsey is wonderfully written and covers many issues that affect families and relationships. The characters were well-developed and relatable, which made the book very effective in passing on the intended message. The narration was excellent, and I loved the warm tone that many readers will find very welcoming. Another thing that becomes apparent in this thought-provoking work is the impacts of mental health issues and the importance of addressing them. The reader will also appreciate other issues covered, such as the importance of having a supportive social structure. Crystal also ensured all emotions and events were vividly captured, which helped me to create a mental picture of what was happening. I look forward to reading something else by this amazing author.