
Fiction - Action
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/27/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lynette Fowlston for Readers' Favorite

Solitude by Paul Beet takes the reader deep into the heart of Zimbabwe, Africa, and political unrest, and one man is about to seek justice and revenge. It's a time when the economy is getting to its lowest point, and people are starving; the countryside is falling into the hands of political activists, renegade gangs of militia and platoons of war veterans. When Mike Wilson’s parents are killed and their farm burned to the ground, he returns to Africa along with his brother to get absolution for his parents' deaths. With the political unrest and trying to overthrow the government with plans to kill the president, they are also after the land that Mike and his brother, Sean, now own. Even though they are both experienced in warfare, they soon find they are not up to par when fighting against this militia. As the black and white join forces, can they bring a political change back to their country, or is time running out for them?

This is quite an adventure story that held my interest, but I do have to say I had to read it slowly, as I kept losing track of who was good and who was bad. The main characters were easy to connect with, as were the secondary characters. Because the chapters were short, it kept the plot from changing in the middle of a chapter. The book is cleanly written with the occasional coarse language, but there are no sexual encounters. If you like a good political adventure novel, then I feel you will enjoy Solitude.