Soul Has No Name

A Story of Soul Travel

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
59 Pages
Reviewed on 06/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

In Soul Has No Name, a novella by John Clarke, through a phenomenon known as soul writing, a spirit communicates a few of the life experiences of three men who have the same soul "fingerprint" across time. Although Balgaire MacPherson, Jacob Brisling, and Mordecai Sampson do not have the same DNA, they share the same spirit. In 2046, the Soul Reading Institute in Atlanta provides soul-matching episodes to the general public for an exaggerated fee. By paying for a unique time-travel experience for himself, his son, and his granddaughter, Jacob Brisling explores a moment in time in seventeenth-century Scotland through Balgaire MacPherson as he searches for his relatives in MacPherson's connections. At a later date, Mordecai Sampson relives the events for a different purpose.

John Clarke has written a detailed story with unbelievable irony. Clarke ties up all the loose ends but leaves the reader's imagination to interpret the meaning behind some of the science fiction components. He moves easily from 2046 to 1620 as if he's lived in both eras and incorporates believable technology into 2086. I liked the way the author included the Stargate Program's declassification and "crossover effects." I also liked Clarke's conversational and informative approach to the writing. I felt as if a weathered and wise soul was actually recounting the experiences of three men and their relations. It's an interesting concept that will intrigue a reader long after finishing the last page. Readers who enjoy outstanding and original scientific concepts intertwined with realistic, strong characters will love Soul Has No Name.