Sounds in the Silence

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
232 Pages
Reviewed on 10/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Gaius Konstantine for Readers' Favorite

A dream come true becomes a deadly nightmare in the novel Sounds In The Silence by D.L. Finn. Maria and Logan Davis are married and deeply in love, and life is full of promise as they move into their dream home, an old secluded mansion by a lake. Intending to make the house a vacation spot, the couple quickly begins renovations only to discover the house has a dark history and that they are not alone there. Forty years earlier, during prohibition, another couple owned the house, Helen and Charles Elliot. The Elliots were also deeply in love and happy with life until a madman shattered it. Determined to find the truth and aid their ghostly guest in the search for justice, Maria and Logan seek answers from a town unwilling to give them, discovering in the process that the worst kind of villains hide behind a facade of righteousness.

Wholesome yet dangerous, Sounds In The Silence by D.L. Finn is a beautiful tale that is both sad and sweet. The plot combines a ghost story and first-class mystery as one woman reaches out across the decades and the veil of life to seek help from a young couple. Themes of light and dark are equally present, as love, justice, delusion, and betrayal play a role in the novel. The characters are few but superbly developed as I readily empathized with some while my skin crawled at the thought of others. A steady and mesmerizing pace that is homey and comforting at times yet full of menace at others creates a riveting tale that is hard to put down. For fans of supernatural tales and mystery, Sounds in the Silence is a cross between “What Dreams May Come” and “Ghost,” and I recommend it wholeheartedly.