Spirit Quest

Shadow World, Book 1

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
313 Pages
Reviewed on 10/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Spirit Quest is the first book in the Shadow World series by Tim McRae, a spellbinding opening for a fantasy series that promises a lot of magic and adventure. Niri Lekani is a Sorceress Supreme who has mastered the secret of long life. Her journey spans many centuries in the Shadow World's history. She has fought the War of the Trees and the Battle of the Stony Farm. As the last survivor to the throne of Annwn and master of the five elements, she must fight to protect the Shadow World from the dark forces unleashed by the Mistress Witch — the personification of evil and a mighty warrior with unique abilities with the sword and the bow. Dark magic runs through her veins, and she will stop at nothing to ensure the Shadow World is destroyed. Burdened by grief, a dark secret, and the longing for love, Niri Lekani travels different realms, confronting unimaginable dangers and creatures to stop evil from engulfing her world. Does Niri and her companions stand a chance against the powerful Mistress Witch?

The author's impeccable world-building was the first thing that caught my attention as I started reading Spirit Quest. Tim McRae delights readers with details of a world where sorcerers and magical creatures live together. Niri Lekani journeys through different realms, and her world is threatened by encroaching darkness. This world features all kinds of beings, from assassins for hire to wolves, from shape-shifting underwater creatures known as Sirrhinni to ice giants. The characters are elaborately written, especially the heroine, and the author excels in exploring conflict from Niri’s personal, internal struggles to her battle to survive and protect the realm from destruction. The prose is exquisite, and the first-person narrative voice effectively captures Niri's worldview, drawing readers in. The dialogues sparkle, and the action makes this tale hard to put down.