Sunshine of Your Love

A grumpy sunshine romantic comedy

Fiction - Chick Lit
252 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

The last thing Abbie expected was to be looking for another job so soon. Turns out that being very good at what you do will get you fired much faster than it will keep you on the job. With mounting bills and a mortgage to sort out, she knows the sooner she gets a new job the better for her. This is the reason why she finds herself applying for a position with the Atlantis Hotel Group. Instead of the outright offer she expects, she is given a temporary job-sharing appointment where she has three months to prove she is suited for the role with the company. It would not have been so bad if not for the person she has to share the position with. Tristan Campbell may be handsome but his arrogance and anti-social behavior make the prospect of working with him hellacious. Expect sparks to fly in Kirsty McManus's Sunshine Of Your Love.

Kirsty McManus's romantic novel storyline has an enterprising young woman compete with a man she cannot stand for a coveted job position. It might sound straightforward but Kirsty's subtle use of sometimes comedic banter to mask a developing romance brings what would have been another predictable love story to life with an identity of its own. Abbie's backstory on how she parted ways with Oracle sounds interesting enough to spawn an entire subplot off it but even that cannot compare to the antics which she and Tristan engage in at Atlantis in a bid to get the upper hand. Kirsty uses impressive storytelling to craft an emerging love triangle out of the most innocent of sequences in a manner that not only immerses the reader in this funny story but adds to the growing intrigue over who will finally get the job. Sunshine Of Your Love is a beautiful love story with an edge of believability to it.