Taking Flight

Short Stories of the Unexpected

Fiction - Anthology
204 Pages
Reviewed on 09/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Taking Flight: Short Stories of the Unexpected by Jacques Sardas presents a collection of original tales that, while connected in different ways through a character named Avi, can be comfortably read individually, which is how I approached the anthology myself. These stories include Longevity, in which retired executive Avi is called back to lead a struggling construction company and faces a pivotal pitch meeting with a demanding investor, The Dragon Lady, attempting to establish rapport. The Gambler follows a young man celebrating his first year of work at a casino, where he experiences initial success at the roulette table but becomes increasingly swept up in the thrill of gambling, leading to impulsive decisions. In The Tonsillectomy, a sales manager in Brazil navigates a personal crisis when his daughter requires urgent medical attention, prompting a confrontation with a doctor over a serious oversight.

In Taking Flight, Jacques Sardas presents an engrossing collection that packs a big punch within its bite-sized pieces. The writing is both engaging and insightful, skillfully addressing themes of morality, community, redemption, self-discovery, and so much more. Sardas's characters are all thoroughly developed and each reflects diverse perspectives, acting as more than mere markers as we journey through the author's creativity. The standout story to me is The Woke Rabbi, in which a young, innovative rabbi takes over the wealthiest synagogue in New Jersey. Initially celebrated, his star power fades when he champions anonymous donations over anointing wealthy donors with recognition. When a tornado damages the synagogue, it leaves behind an unexpected blessing for the rabbi. Overall, this collection is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the human condition through the lens of contemporary, metaphysical, and eerily relevant issues.