Tales of Elhaanai

The Trilogy

Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
397 Pages
Reviewed on 06/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Steven Robson for Readers' Favorite

Tales of Elhaanai: The Trilogy by Nicole Patrice Thomas is a journey centered around the kingdom of Elhaanai which spans Arcano and Vimeo to the North, and follows the seat of power from King Kaison’s reign. In the quest for power, those driven by darkness will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, and not even family will stand in their way. This lesson is learned the hard way by the king when his older sister, Devora, grows to lust after the crown for her son, David. The result of her machinations is not only deadly to the citizens of Elhaanai but also has dire repercussions for Devora; something that seems to be repeated within all the ruling families. Who will survive the fallout from this conflagration? Only by reading through the blazing climax will readers find out.

Nicole Patrice Thomas’ Tales of Elhaanai: The Trilogy is quite a rich and complex story of the maelstrom created by the eternal struggle between light and darkness. There is ample material within this narrative to satisfy the most demanding of fantasy enthusiasts, from dragons, eagles, and dire wolves to magic spells and potions. I found the plot was well thought out, with the sub-plots woven in nicely, and the conclusion was apt in hindsight. The characters are quite real in depth and uniqueness. For me, Akronius stood out along with Chumbra, although I would have liked to see more of his role in the dark arts. I would recommend Tales of Elhaanai to readers drawn to fantasy worlds full of magic and action.