Tales of the Patriarchs

As Recently Uncovered And Brought To Light From A Manuscript By Sidney Thrall

Fiction - Literary
363 Pages
Reviewed on 07/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jefto Pierre for Readers' Favorite

In Tales of the Patriarchs, Jim Shankman introduces us to the world of the silent film industry and its early beginnings. The main character, Sidney, is a youthful dreamer who yearns for a life well-lived. Sidney gets a job in his uncle's studio. It fuels his passion for the film industry. He ultimately leaves his uncle's company and gets a job at Judah Ben Mayer's studio. Judah is well-known for being callous and cunning, but Sidney doesn't care. In Judah's film studio, Sidney indulges in his creative side and passion for filmmaking. Much to Judah's chagrin, Sidney meets and falls in love with aspiring actress Nina Michaels. With all the money in the world, Judah still couldn't buy Nina's love and affection, and he isn't a man to be trifled with. As the dynamics of these three characters continue to shift, they create an exclusive world governed by love, desire, deception, betrayal, and ambition. Don't miss the opportunity to discover how it ends for Sidney, our dreamer!

Jim Shankman uses a rich, descriptive writing style to bring his characters and their story to life. This novel is a movie within a book. I could easily see these characters on a stage, acting out scenes from their lives in front of a captivated audience. I was in that audience. I could not help but hang onto every word. Every love scene, every conflict, every suspenseful moment, and every dialogue left me wide-eyed and hungering for more. I was captivated by the first line in the first chapter. I refused to leave the theater seat until the last actor took his final bow—this is how compelling the novel is. The narration alternates between different characters. Sometimes, it is told from a third-person perspective, and at other times, from a first-person account. Even though this is unconventional, this style adds uniqueness and creativity to the storyline, making Tales of the Patriarchs a satisfying read.