Talking About Adolescence

Supercharge Your Body and Brain Power

Non-Fiction - Self Help
401 Pages
Reviewed on 09/08/2024
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Author Biography

Eichin Chang-Lim was born in Tainan, a historical city on Taiwan’s southwest coast. After graduating from National Taiwan University, she embarked on a journey to the United States in her early 20s to pursue graduate studies with a student visa. However, shortly after her arrival on American soil, the world bore witness to the tumultuous Iran hostage crisis, which sparked her interest in international affairs and exposed her to the complexities of the world. Her interactions with the local communities and other international students provided her with a profound cultural exchange, broadened her perspectives about humanity, and expanded her worldview. Despite taking the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) before applying to American graduate schools, the initial years in a foreign land presented a formidable challenge. She still faced language barriers and culture shock. This experience humbled her and taught her valuable lessons about adapting to new environments. That further laid the foundation for the remarkable journey that awaited her.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Written in three parts, Supercharge Your Body and Brain Power is the second book in the Talking About Adolescence Series by Dr. Eichin Chang-Lim. The author discusses a range of topics, including the biology behind and the emotions surrounding puberty, reproduction, a deep look into the brain and its functions, identity, time management, and goal setting. Chang-Lim provides tips for optimal mindfulness, diet, exercise, and sleep and addresses harder issues, such as teen pregnancy, substance misuse, mental illnesses, trauma, and the influence of social media. Chang-Lim presents quotes, questions for the reader to focus on, points that answer the questions, ideas for support and guidance, statistics, book recommendations, helpful illustrations, informative links, and questions for review and reflection.

I wish I'd had Dr. Eichin Chang-Lim's book when I was entering my adolescence. I'm thankful I can share the educational pages and her knowledgeable tips with my children as they move into that often challenging portion of their lives. To help with shorter attention spans, most of the text is condensed into bulleted chunks of information for easier readability and retention. Throughout the book, Chang-Lim alternates between addressing an older child entering adolescence and speaking to a caregiver or an educator. Therefore, the text would benefit pubescent children, their caregivers, and other adults who interact with children during those formative years and hope to establish a healthy dialog with them. If you're ready to learn more about the biological and emotional components of adolescence, you will benefit from reading Talking About Adolescence: Supercharge Your Body and Brain Power.