The Adventures of Lucky Rocky: Two-in-One Edition

Short Stories for Kids Ages 3+ (US Edition, Illustrated & Colored)

Children - Adventure
78 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kathy Golden for Readers' Favorite

The Adventures of Lucky Rocky: Two-in-One Edition by Ricardo Demi takes young readers into the wonderful escapades and friendships of an especially caring and happy dog named Lucky Rocky and his friends, Penny and Brisket. In part one of the book, readers follow along as the three friends learn the Magic of Friendship through encounters that allow them to help others as they work together as a team. In part two, readers enjoy the Magic of Kindness. Here, the three friends learn not only how to be kind, but how to accept kindness and help when they need it. In addition, our three friends, through a wonderful narrator that you can meet for yourself, learn about the magic of kindness through the acts of others.

Ever a fan of bold and beautiful illustrations in children’s books, I thoroughly enjoyed the illustrations in this one. They are large and colorful and are focused and filled with lots of details that make you feel like you can smell the rain in the air, feel the grass under your feet, and taste the delicious foods on offer. Moreover, when the book ends, readers feel like they too have experienced the power of both friendship and kindness. I enjoyed each little episode in Ricardo Demi’s The Adventures of Lucky Rocky. By the end of the book, I could feel how much the three friends, Lucky Rocky, Penny, and Brisket, had grown. Children reading their adventures will grow in the Magic of Friendship and the Magic of Kindness within themselves. Thank you, Ricardo Demi, for your educational and heartwarming book.